
65+ Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 Bahasa Inggris, Istimewa!

Berikan ucapan Tahun Baru terbaikmu

Astri Amalia
Astri Amalia

Hanya dalam hitungan hari, kita akan segera menyambut Tahun Baru 2025. Perayaan Tahun Baru tentu identik dengan memberikan ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada orang-orang terdekat. Selain menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, kamu juga bisa memberikan ucapannya dalam bahasa Inggris, Bela. Biar makin berkesan, sertakan pula harapan terbaikmu untuk mereka yang kamu kasihi di tahun 2025, ya.

Nah, untuk referensimu, Popbela sudah siapkan beberapa ucapan selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu sontek berikut ini. Check this out!

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris

Pexels.com/Yaroslav Shuraev
  1. "Happy New Year 2025! Have a year with positive energy and high enthusiasm.”
  2. “Happy New Year 2025! Wish your life will be full of great things in the year ahead.”
  3. “May in this New Year all your dreams come true. Happy New Year 2025!”
  4. “Happy New Year! May your 2025 turn all your efforts into great achievements.”
  5. “May 2025 brings you lots of love, laughter, and positivity. Happy New Year!”
  6. “Happy 2025! Cheers to a New Year filled with love, laughter, and new opportunities.”
  7. “Have a prosperous New Year! 2025 is definitely the year for you!”
  8. “Happy New Year! Wishing you a better year with new opportunities and great moments.”
  9. “Happy New Year 2025 to you and your family! May you be blessed with success and prosperity.”
  10. “Happy New Year! May all of your dreams finally manifested in 2025.”

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris singkat

Pexels.com/Polina Tankilevitch
  1. “Happy New Year 2025!”
  2. “Happy celebrating year of 2025 with your loved ones.”
  3. "New Year, new beginnings. Wishing you a fantastic 2025!"
  4. “Here's to new adventures. Happy New Year 2025!”
  5. “Happy New Year! May all of your wishes come true.”
  6. “Have a blissful 2025!”
  7. “Have a sparkling 2025!”
  8. “Happy New Year! Let’s make 2025 our best year yet.”
  9. “Have a joyful 2025!”
  10. “Happy New Year! Cheers to a brilliant 2025."

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris lucu

Pexels.com/cottonbro studio
  1. "Happy New Year! Don't forget to make a New Year's resolution!"
  2. “Happy New Year 2025! Wishing you: 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of fun, 8760 hours of joy, 525600 minutes of good luck, and 31536000 seconds of happiness.”
  3. “In 2025, may your coffee be strong, your mascara stronger, and your resolutions the strongest. Slay the New Year!”
  4. “Happy New Year from someone adorable and intelligent who wants to see your beautiful smile in 2025.”
  5. “Here's to another fantastic year of making fresh new memories, new secrets we'll take to the grave. Happy 2025!”
  6. “Wishing you a year as fabulous as your lipstick collection and as bold as your choices. Here's to a glamorous 2025!”
  7. “In 2025, may your dough flow and your skin glow! Happy New Year!”
  8. “Wise, kind, gentle, generous, beautiful. But enough about me, here’s to you: Happy New Year!”

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris untuk keluarga

Pexels.com/Nicole Michalou
  1. “Happy New Year 2025, my dear family. I love you all so much!”
  2. “Have a wonderful 2025 to all of us.”
  3. “Wishing the most stunning family ever a year full of good food, tons of giggles, and extra sleep!”
  4. “To my dear family, thank you for your endless love and support. Wishing you a joyful New Year!”
  5. “Here’s to another amazing year together. Happy 2025 my dear fam!”
  6. “Here’s to fewer fights and more hugs in 2025. Love you all!”
  7. “Together, we are unstoppable. Here’s to a wonderful 2025!”
  8. “Happy New Year 2025 to my source of strength and happiness.”
  9. “May 2025 brings our family even closer. Wishing us all happiness and good health!”
  10. “Years come and go but our family will always stick together. Happy New Year!”

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat

Pexels.com/RDNE Stock project
  1. “Happy New Year to my dearest friend!”
  2. “Wish you have a remarkable year ahead. Happy 2025, besties!”
  3. “New Year, new beginning. Happy New Year, guys!”
  4. “To my dear friend who’s always there in my best and worst moments: Happy 2025!”
  5. “Happy New Year to all of us! Cheers to a stronger friendship in 2025!”
  6. “Hope our laughter will get louder in the upcoming year. Happy New Year!”
  7. “Happy New Year, my best friend! Let’s turn our sad tears into happy tears in 2025.”
  8. “Here’s to a crazier and happier year with my besties!"
  9. “Happy New Year 2025! Stay gorgeous and fantastic.”
  10. “Here’s to 365 new opportunities, adventures, and memories!”

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris untuk pacar

  1. “Happy New Year to my favorite person!”
  2. “Whatever the New Year brings, I know I’ll achieve my goals with you by my side. Happy New Year to my forever love!”
  3. “I've been lucky to spend 2024 with you. I feel even luckier to know that 2025 is ours, too.”
  4. “Even though we’re apart, you’re the first thought on my mind this New Year. Love you endlessly!“
  5. “Happy 2025, my love!”
  6. “Here’s to another beautiful year together, my heart. Happy New Year!”
  7. “Another year, another reason to fall in love with you again. Happy New Year!“
  8. “Happy New Year, sweetheart! I may be miles away, but my heart is always with you.“
  9. “Wishing my love a New Year filled with joy, laughter, and endless moments with me!“
  10. “Happy New Year, darling! Loving you is the best part of my life.“

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris untuk rekan kerja

Pexels.com/Pavel Danilyuk
  1. “Happy New Year! May this year bring fresh opportunities and the energy to tackle every challenge with confidence."
  2. “As we enter a new year, I’m excited to continue working alongside such talented colleagues. Here’s to a productive 2025!”
  3. “As the calendar flips, may your life turn to a page filled with happiness, success, and prosperity.”
  4. “Thank you for making our 2024 exceptional. May 2025 bring you fulfillment and exciting possibilities. Happy New Year!”
  5. “Here’s to a year of bold decisions, creative breakthroughs, and unwavering determination. Happy New Year!”
  6. “May this year be a stepping stone toward greatness, filled with opportunities that align with your ambitions. Happy 2025!”
  7. “New Year, new goals, new milestones! Wishing you a year as dynamic as your brainstorms and as bright as your biggest idea!”
  8. “Here’s to another year of rushed elevator rides, long coffee breaks, and brisk lunch time walks. Let’s do it all again next year!”
  9. “Happy New Year, and best wishes to everyone for a successful year ahead.“
  10. “Wishing you every professional success in the next year and continued success in all you do. Happy New Year 2025!”

Itu tadi kumpulan ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025 bahasa Inggris. Happy New Year, Bela!

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