
Lirik Lagu 'I Love You 3000' Stephanie Poetri

Terinspirasi dari Marvel

Niken Ari Prayitno
Niken Ari Prayitno

Kalau beberapa bulan lalu kamu sempat menonton Avengers: End Game, kamu pasti tidak asing lagi dengan kalimat "I love you 3000" yang diungkapkan oleh Tony Stark. Ternyata, kalimat menyentuh tersebut, berhasil menginspirasi Stephanie Poetri untuk menulis lagu.

Putri bungsu Titi DJ ini membuat sendiri lirik lagu romantis tersebut. Dibantu sang ibu, lirik tersebut dapat diwujudkan menjadi sebuah lagu dan trending di YouTube. Beberapa selebritas pun menyanyikan ulang atau menggunakan potongan liriknya untuk curhat di status media sosial.

Seperti apa lirik lagu I Love You 3000 tersebut?


I Love You 3000

Baby, take my hand 
I want you to be my husband 
Cause you're my Iron Man 
And I love you three thousand 
Baby, take a chance 
Cause I want this to be something 
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

I see you standing there 
In your Hulk outerwear 
And all I can think 
Is where is the ring 
Cause I know you wanna ask 
Scared the moment will pass 
I can see it in your eyes 
Just take me by surprise

And all my friends they tell me they see 
You planing to get on one knee 
But I want it to be out of the blue 
So make sure I have no clue 
When you ask

Baby, take my hand 
I want you to be my husband 
Cause you're my Iron Man 
And I love you three thousand 
Baby, take a chance 
Cause I want this to be something 
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

Now we're having dinner 
And baby you're my winner 
I see the way you smile 
You're thinking about the aisle 
You reach in your pocket 
Emotion unlocking 
And before you could ask 
I answer too fast

And all my friends they tell me they see 
You planing to get on one knee 
So now I can't stop thinking about you 
I figured out all the clues 
So now I ask

Baby, take my hand 
I want you to be my husband 
Cause you're my Iron Man 
And I love you three thousand 
Baby, take a chance 
Cause I want this to be something 
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

Pa da da da da dam 
No spoilers please 
Pa da da da da dam 
No spoilers please

Baby, take my hand 
I want you to be my husband 
Cause you're my Iron Man 
And I love you three thousand 
Baby, take a chance 
Cause I want this to be something 
Straight out of a Hollywood movie, baby

Pa da da da da dam 
No spoilers please 
Pa da da da da dam 
No spoilers please 
Pa da da da da dam 
No spoiler please 
Pa da da da da dam 
And I love you three thousand

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