60 Kata-Kata Insecure dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Memotivasi

Yuk, bangkit dari rasa insecure!

Sebagai manusia, adakalanya kita merasa insecure atau rendah diri. Entah karena melihat pencapaian teman, merasa hidupmu nggak ada kemajuan, hingga ketika ada seseorang yang membandingkanmu dengan orang lain.

Namun, kamu perlu belajar bangkit dari perasaan rendah dirimu itu agar nggak tenggelam dalam keyakinan bahwa kamu nggak pernah cukup baik.

Di artikel kali ini, Popbela telah merangkum 60 kata-kata insecure dalam bahasa Inggris yang memotivasi, supaya kamu bisa segera bangkit dan semakin percaya diri. Keep scrolling!

Kata-kata insecure dalam bahasa Inggris

  1. "Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” — John Allen Paulos
  2. “Often those that criticize others reveal what he himself lacks.” — Shannon L. Alder
  3. "I have insecurities of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me.” — Adele
  4. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  5. “Only the insecure strive for security.” — Wayne Dyer
  6. “Success can make you go one of two ways. It can make you a prima donna—or it can smooth the edges, take away the insecurities, let the nice things come out.” — Barbara Walters
  7. “Insecurity’s best cover is perfectionism.” — Beth Moore
  8. "Many times, people who are self-involved or bullies, it stems from a place of hurt and insecurity within oneself." — Jessica Rothe
  9. “Creative people are very insecure people because they don’t know whether people like them or are in awe of them." — Persis Khambatta
  10. "You can be productive and yet still dealing with insecurity." 

Kata-kata insecure dalam bahasa Inggris tentang membandingkan diri

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