
50 Pendengar yang Baik Quotes dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sudahkah kamu menjadi pendengar yang baik?

Astri Amalia

Menjadi pendengar yang baik merupakan sebuah kemampuan yang perlu diasah dan tidak semua orang bisa miliki. Bagaimana tidak? Dibutuhkan rasa welas asih, kesabaran, dan hati yang tulus ketika kamu bersedia menjadi seorang pendengar yang baik. Sebab, menjadi orang yang mampu mendengarkan orang lain dengan baik berarti tidak berusaha mendengar untuk merespons ataupun menunggu giliran untuk berbicara.

Dalam artikel ini, Popbela telah merangkum kumpulan pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris yang sangat inspiratif dan penuh makna. Keep scrolling, Bela!

Pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris

  1. “To truly listen, one must be calm and silent.”
  2. “A bad listener tries to respond, but a good listener tries to understand.”
  3. “There’s enough noise in the world. Learn to listen more.”
  4. “By listening to someone, you show generosity and care.”
  5. “Wise peoplse are calm and serene so it’s easy for them to listen.”
  6. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
  7. “If he who listens listens fully, then he who listens becomes he who understands.”
  8. “Talking is about you. Listening is about the other.”
  9. “Stop thinking when listening to other people, so that we don’t listen to respond, but we listen to understand.”
  10. “Life gets better when you listen, to yourself, and to others.”  — Maxime Lagacé

Pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai pengingat untuk diri sendiri

  1. “Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.”
  2. “You can’t love people if you can’t be a good listener to them.”
  3. “Be a good listener for someone who’s in need.”
  4. “Be a good listener.”
  5. “If you listen well, you might learn something new.
  6.  “When you try to be a good listener, you contribute to make a world a better place.”
  7. "Listening to understand is much better than listening to reply."
  8. "You respect someone's existence by being a good listener to them."
  9. "With more listening, many relationships in your life will undoubtedly be saved."
  10. “You will look very attractive if you are willing to be a good listener.”

Pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris yang penuh kebijaksanaan

  1. “The first step about how to be kind to each other is learning how to become a good listener.”
  2. “Listening is an art. Understanding is a masterpiece.”
  3. “Take time to listen.”
  4. “Listen to understand, not to respond.”
  5. "Having someone who can listen well is a valuable thing that you should be grateful for."
  6. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
  7. “A good listener doesn’t try to make the conversation about them.”
  8. “The biggest communication problem is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply.”
  9. “Listen to understand, not to answer.”
  10. “A good conversationalist merely asked questions and listen attentively.”

Pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris yang sarat makna

  1. “To that one friend who always be a good listener, thank you.”
  2. “Thank you for being a good listener for me.”
  3. “The right people listens to you with compassion and care.”
  4. “Good listeners are good learners.”
  5.  “Every good conversation starts with a good listener.”
  6. “Never take a good listener for granted.”
  7. “You don’t need someone who can read your mind. You just need someone who’s willing to listen when you speak.”
  8. “Being a good listener is one of the loudest form of kindness.”
  9. “Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego, others over self.” -Dean Jackson
  10. “Most of the time, people don’t want to be responded. They just want to be listened carefully.”

Pendengar yang baik quotes dalam bahasa Inggris dari tokoh terkenal

  1. “Listening is what you do when you have love in your heart.”  — Maxime Lagacé
  2. “In moments where we are unsure what to say, simply listening and being present can mean the world.” — John Cena
  3. “Normalize: listening to people express how they feel without giving advice, trying to change it, or attempting to fix it.” — Dr. Nicole LePera
  4. “The fool talks. The wise listens.” — Maxime Lagac
  5.  “Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity.” — Roy T. Bennett
  6. “Listening is the beginning of prayer.” — Mother Teresa
  7. “Listening is the simplest way to validate others. Just listen.” — Thibaut
  8. “The smarter you get, the more you listen.” — Thibaut
  9. “Listening and encouragement. These things cost little to give and are often priceless to the recipient. Some people have never encountered a single person who genuinely wanted the best for them.” — The Stoic Emperor
  10.  “A good listener is one who helps us overhear ourselves.” — Yahia Lababidi

Itulah tadi kumpulan kutipan seputar pendengar yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana menurutmu, Bela?

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