
50 Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris 

Sampaikan ini supaya puasa kalian lebih bermakna!

Raizza Monik Setiawanti

Ramadan bukan hanya menjadi momen yang pas untuk meraih banyak pahala dan keberkahan untuk diri sendiri, melainkan juga berbagi kebahagiaan kepada sesama dan orang tersayang. Salah satu caranya bisa dengan menunjukkan kasih sayang lewat ucapan selamat berbuka.

Saat Ramadan, kumandang suara adzan maghrib menjadi momen yang paling ditunggu-tunggu semua umat muslim. Bahkan, di sela-sela menunggu banyak terselip kebahagiaan dan rasa syukur atas apa yang sudah dijalani seharian penuh tersebut. Apalagi jika menunggu buka puasa dengan keluarga atau pasangan, rasa antusiasmenya jadi double!

Nah, supaya momen buka puasamu semakin spesial, berikut ini Popbela sudah siapkan 50 ucapan selamat berbuka puasa romantis dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa diungkapkan kepada pasangan. 

Ucapan selamat berbuka mengandung doa dan harapan

Pexels.com/Gabby K

Ada begitu banyak keberkahan yang bisa kita raih di bulan Ramadan. Maka di bulan ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk memanjatkan banyak doa kepada Allah SWT. Doa-doa ini bisa kita selipkan juga dalam ucapan berbuka puasa, lho.

Berikut ucapan selamat berbuka puasa romantis dalam bahasa Inggris yang mengandung doa serta harapan.

“This season of holy Ramadan, may Allah sprinkle wonderful blessings over you and your family. May you all have a peaceful Ramadan! Happy Ramadan Iftar.”

“Happy Iftar Mubarak, dear! May Allah accept your day of fasting and reward you and your family with Allah numerous blessings through Iftar!”

“May Allah, once more, lead the way in the direction of enlightenment, allow you to repent from your wrong and misdeeds, and fill your life with tons of blessings as well as happiness. Ramadan Mubarak!”

“May Allah accept our sincere wishes and continue to bless our loving unity! Happy Iftar!”

“May Allah sprinkle terrific blessings over you as well as your family. May you all have a peaceful Ramadan!”

“Iftar Mubarak. This is the time promised to Allah to allow your prayers as a fasting person. Make a dua for yourself and keep me going too.”

“Iftar is a time when Allah pours out blessings abundantly on us! We sincerely hope you can make a dua during the Iftar period! Happy Iftar!”

“I open a sincere smile, I send it through sincere prayer. For those of you who are far away, I hope you are healthy in His protection. Happy breaking your fast, dear.”

“May Allah accept our heartfelt wishes and keep blessing our loving union! Happy Iftar!”

“You’re among the reasons why my life was meaningful this Ramadan, Allow Me to pray to Allah to deliver you more blessings. Ramadan Mubarak to you!”

Ucapan yang bersifat merayu


Selain dalam versi serius seperti doa, ada juga bentuk ucapan yang bisa membuat puasa kamu dan pasangan jadi lebih berwarna. Yup, kamu bisa mencoba ucapan selamat berbuka bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk rayuan seperti daftar berikut.

"Happy iftar to the most beautiful woman on the earth I know."

"You have the most beautiful smile in the world. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

"Baby, you have been the most special gift to me from Allah. Enjoy your iftar meal, my love."

"My angel, happy iftar time. I love you more than you know."

"Ramadan without you is still Ramadan. But, my life without isn’t life anymore. Happy iftar, my beloved."

"I don’t need a perfect one. Nobody is perfect though. I just need someone who can make me feel complete and loved, and that person is you. Happy iftar, dear."

"I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you in my life, baby. Let’s have our iftar meal together, love."

"Honey, are you google? Because you have like everything that I’m searching for, and this moment becomes one. Happy iftar, honey."

"Baby, you should know that my love for you is uncountable. Let’s have our happy iftar, baby."

“From sunrise to sunset, my love is always there for you. Happy iftar, my dear."

Ucapan selamat sekaligus peringatan


Selanjutnya, karena momen Ramadan itu sangat spesial dan sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Sambil mengucapkan selamat berbuka, kamu juga bisa lho saling mengingatkan hal-hal baik kepada pasangan. Seperti misalnya ucapan selamat berbuka berikut ini nih.

“Ramadan is the time to prove how much you love the name of Allah and His messengers. Happy iftar sweetheart.”

“Don’t ever feel alone because Allah is always present with everyone. Happy iftar!”

“The time of blessing of Allah the time of great pleasure. Happy iftar! Don’t forget in your prayers.”

“Don’t forget your iftar prayer after drinking a sip. Happy iftar, darling."

"Happy iftar honey, don't forget to break your fast when it's sunset. Don't forget to meet your friends who play the call to prayer using their cellphones. In fact, it's less than 5 minutes away."

“Enjoy your meal slowly, baby, and don’t forget to pray together after iftar."

"Ramadan is a month full of blessings. So, don’t waste this opportunity to get more blessings and happiness. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

"Fasting also requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Magrib was sounded, so happy iftar, love. Don’t forget to break your fast with something sweets."

"Always remember that we will never get the glory of the month of Ramadan in other months. So, don’t let this special month pass you by. Happy iftar to you, my dear."

"Fasting is a very good time to keep our faith strong. Happy iftar, dear."

Ucapan buka puasa yang manis dan menyentuh


Biar Ramadan terasa makin spesial, ucapan selamat berbuka yang sweet dan menyentuh juga bisa jadi pilihan, lho. Siapa tahu ucapan yang manis-manis bisa membuat kamu dan pasangan terus bersemangat menjalani puasa Ramadan sampai akhir nanti.

Berikut ucapan selamat berbuka puasa romantis dalam bahasa Inggris yang sweet dan cocok untuk kamu ungkapkan ke pasangan. 

“Thank you for taking your time to break the fast with me, happy iftar darling.”

"The thing that I am very grateful for until now is being able to iftar with my loved ones, including you. Happy iftar."

“Alhamdulillah, my fasting always feels lighter with you by my side. Happy iftar, my loved.”

"To you, the one who I always love, happy iftar time."

“I always enjoy moments with you, especially the moment iftar like this. Thank you for coming into my life. Happy iftar, dear."

“There are many blessings that I got during fasting today, including blessings because of your presence. Happy iftar, honey.”

“My dear, happy iftar, ya. I hope you are always given health so that you can continue this Ramadan with me.”

“Thank you for preparing this very delicious looking meal dear. Happy iftar, you are the best!”

"Maybe my fasting days without you are still fine. But to be honest, I enjoy my fasting days with you more. Happy iftar to you, darling."

"I'm so excited to break my fast this time because I already imagined this happy moment love. Let's break our fast, baby!"

Ucapan selamat berbuka romantis sekaligus memberi dukungan


Terakhir, jangan lupa selingi ucapan selamat berbuka dengan memberikan dukungan ya! Karena terkadang mau seberat apa pun aktivitas yang kita jalani, keinginan kita hanya sesederhana mendapat dukungan dari orang tersayang. Jadi, nggak ada salahnya kamu ucapkan kalimat-kalimat berikut.

“Happy iftar dear! Let's get excited so that our fasting will last until the end of Ramadan!”

“Come on, honey, let's get a lot of blessings in this special month. Happy iftar!”

“Happy iftar dear. Take care of your health and don't eat carelessly!”

“Let's be good servants together in this month of Ramadan dear! Happy iftar, ya!”

“Nothing is impossible as long as we try. So blessings are also very possible for us to get in this month of Ramadan! Cheers, and happy breaking fast!”

“Allah is always with us dear, so live this fast in earnest! Happy iftar, ya, honey.”

"Happy iftar, honey. Keep your spirit of fasting every day, okay? And keep your healthy too"

“I know for sure that resisting lust is not easy. But I trust you can get over it. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

“Nothing is easy to get blessings from Allah. But, you are a strong person. Keep the spirit dear and happy iftar!”

“Allah always knows which of his servants are strong and obedient to him, and you are one of them. Fighting! And happy iftar, ya, honey.”

Nah, Bela, itulah 50 ucapan selamat berbuka puasa romantis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai versi. Hayo, sudah terpikirkan mau coba yang mana? Jangan sampai terlewatkan ya!

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